Module 3: Major Blog Post. Big Brother and Politics relation to Technology

We have been looking at technology and the information age for a while and have discussed and read materials on how we are directly and indirectly affected by technology. Clearly, being a university student I would consider myself to be part of the youth generation in which we grew up with technology and were witness to the growth and developments of technological advancements over the last 15 years or so. This post will focus more on what an “information age” is and how we currently live in a technology age, the history and role of technology in regards to politics and how ICTs are related to control.

Sean Caley, a fellow classmate stated in his blog that “I usually always have my smartphone on me. I feel as though it can do just about everything I would need my laptop to do – plus it conveniently fits in my pocket!” This quote is almost the pure definition of what it means to say we are currently living in an information age. Having the World at your fingertips, being able to do banking online, buying tickets or even watching TV or movies online, the Internet is a major part of the technology age. Nowadays, it isn’t a stretch to say everyone has a cell phone or smart phone which have clearly developed and expanded over the years and allow users to be connected to the World with the touch of a button from something so small and light weight. Apple and other companies like Sony and Blackberry have also expanded from the cell phone world creating tablets, music players, etc. which allow you to take the World on the go with you. By having a portable television or downloading device on the go, technology has adapted to society and society has adapted to technology to make life easier. Manuel Castals suggests in his article The Network Societythat “society shapes technology according to the needs, values, and interests of people who use the technology. Furthermore, information and communication technologies are particularly sensitive to the effects of social uses on technology itself.” Being connected at all times has become a social norm and when you forget your phone or don’t check Facebook throughout the day you feel disconnected and ‘naked’ by not constantly being attached to the rest of the World. Although being connected constantly is a huge benefit for everyone, the idea that you cannot be without your phone, is not a great concept but then again that is what this age is about, technology, information and always being connected.

When you look at the history of technology and its’ relation to politics, clearly there have been major developments over the past 100 years, but more so recently. Social media has become a predominant part of our current culture and has expanded from just being used by a younger demographic. Social media is clearly a way to express opinions, ideas, share pictures, etc. at an easier level, and for politics, using social media and the Internet as a way to share their ideas, campaigns, etc. has become a new political trick or technique in trying to win votes, elections, etc. The Life and Timesarticle by Robin Mansell suggests “in Winston’s (1998, p.2) study, it revealed evidence of continuity between historical and modern social formations framed by the telegraph and the Internet.”

Mansell also suggests an opinion about ICTs, “within the framework of psychoanalytic and sociological theory, a mixed picture of the relationship between ICTs and empowerment and disempowerment emerges. In the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a fascination with the virtual worlds in which identities can be constructed, often to the neglect of the offline environments in which people live.” ICTs do play a major role in relation to control as we live in the information age where people take everything that they see as truth and do not feel the need to question what they are being told. There is an issue of Big Brother still being in effect as presented in George Orwell’s novel 1984 which showcases the same concept, but rather in today’s society, it can be argued that we are being controlled by what the media is presenting to us, a society though the use of ICTs.

Overall, media and technology are huge components in today’s society and technology in relation to media and in general have clearly developed and expanded so widely over the years that have made staying connected easier and easier. So the end question here can be, is there still the concept or idea that “Big Brother is Watching?” By becoming more media literate, society can become more educated on what they are being shown while still allowing technology to expand and continue the idea of a media revolution!



photo credits to google images

Module 3: Minor Blog Post. Technology Dependency and Changes Throughout the Years

Clearly be born in 1991, I have grown up with technology and have witnessed the development and evolution of a variety of different types of technology (from cars, to listening to music and even watching TV or movies). The Castells article suggests that “society shapes technology according to the needs, values and interests of the people who use technology” as well as suggesting that “the network society, is a social structure based on networks operated by information and communication technologies based in microelectronics and digital computer networks that generate, process, and distribute information on the basis of the knowledge accumulated in the nodes of the networks”.

The World revolves around technology and is clearly defined as an information age in which society now revolves around technology. From having a smart phone on you at all times to keep you connected to being able to watch TV online or a movie online without paying or going to the theatre. We as a society now revolve around technology and there is a constant need to be connected to everyone and everything at all times by always carrying technology with you. We have become so accustomed to being connected that when you forget your phone at home, or the power goes out, you feel naked or that a part of you is missing and you feel uncomfortable and checking your phone is the first thing you do before anything else when you get home. As a society we are too comfortable with technology and the slightest sign of trouble we panic. We should try and become less dependent on technology and attempt to break the circle of technology by becoming more independent.

Although the idea of becoming independent from technology seems nice, realistically it will not really be that attainable as we all love being connected as this is the World we now live in, the technology age and it really is not that bad of a thing, as we can have access to anything at our fingertips and stay connected with friends and family with the touch of a button, the technology age is the present and will continue into the future.

cell phone


photo credits to google images